Planning Board Minutes 10/22/09
Planning Board Meeting Minutes October 22, 2009
Members Present: Maggie, Larry, Alan and Bridget
To order: 7:05pm

  • The board decided to invite Monterey Building Inspector Don Torrico to the next Planning Board meeting, which will be on Thursday the 12th. This will be the board’s only meeting during the month of November due to Thanksgiving.
  • The Planning Board is on the meeting agenda for the Board of Selectmen on October 26th from 5:15-5:20 to pass a motion to make Steven Enoch a member of the Planning Board. Steven will be taking Cindy Hoogs seat.
  • The board received a sign permit for a Stedman Pond Reserve sign to be placed on Tyringham/Monterey road on the new Land Trust land. The board felt that the sign exceeded the dimensions of our zoning bylaws. The sign would be in the Agriculture/residential district. Don Torrico the Monterey Building Inspector felt that the sign was OK. It is a non-profit organization and as result the fee for the sign permit is zero. The Planning Board does not have a schedule of fees at this time.
Meeting Adjourned at 7:45pm
Submitted by,
Bridget Krans